Inspire With Gripping Human Emotions Over Dreary Numbers

Lesson From Big Bang Theory Finale

In this age of big data, we often find ourselves being driven by the numbers. However, being human and allowing ourselves to connect with emotions will lead to more compelling and sustainable engagement. This became especially apparent in the closing episode of Big Bang Theory. When the stoic Sheldon received a Nobel Prize, we expected something much different than what he delivered. Instead of being his usual self-centered self, he delivered a speech from the heart. Along those lines, Sheldon acknowledged that close friends were the partners who contributed to his growth and success. Not only a humble acceptance speech but one that conveyed a collaborative and inviting message.

Relating Sheldon’s speech to our professional goals, we must never forget that customers are people and people have emotions. In spite of Sheldon’s words being written for a popular television show, the takeaway is very real. Although the evolution of a character, such as Sheldon, may seem surreal, it is authentic. We evolve as real people. We are not scripted.

Perhaps this is what poet Oscar Wilde meant when writing that…

“Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.”


Everything Is A Process

My iPhone alarm goes off in the morning and my day begins. I prepare to walk my dog, next I feed then play with him. Subsequently, I eat breakfast then prepare for my workday.

In grad school, thanks to Professor David Schuff, I find myself consciously thinking more purposely about these processes as my day evolves. Do I create Swim Lane or Affinity diagrams as I map out my day or, perhaps, some business modeling is in order? For the most part, nothing elaborate is necessary. However, by bringing higher awareness to my daily processes, I find that I am discovering ways to be efficient whether I am running simple errands or implementing a project and analyzing data for a client. Originally, I had been skeptical when examining the relevance of process in my daily life. However, I now find myself consciously thinking about ways I might take advantage of my new found awareness. In fact, today I thought through processes where I applied learned practices enabling me to effectively address delivering on three ambitious timelines while juggling a myriad of demands.

This level of thinking has also made me a better problem solver when thinking through processes professionally for clients and customers. Have you ever thought more consciously about processes we often take for granted in our daily activities? Or, how you might make these elements work better together by bringing greater process recognition to everyday routines? I think you’ll be surprised by the outcome.